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 Carte Balnche Interiors

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Name: Carte Balnche Interiors
Categories: Interior Decorators/Interior Designers
Address: Closh Retail Park, Staplstown Road, Carlow, Co. Carlow
Phone: 059 9132251
Mobile: 086 8544622
Email: DaveFahy@live.ie
Web: http://www.carteblancheinteriors.com
Established: 2005
Carte Blanche recently established interiors store offers the ultimate in home furnishings and accessories. In addition, we provide a professional ‘in-house’ interior design service to cater to the specific needs of your home/development, which will reflect your style rather than that of the designer. We have painstakingly sourced an exceptional range of high quality goods at affordable prices, throughout the world. Create the perfect environment; modern or traditional, formal or casual, tailored to suit your needs

From Carlow town centre, follow the sigs for Roslare until you pass the credit union. the shop is in the Closh retail park on the right, next to the Tougher petrol station.