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Are You Losing Money Through Your Roof?

Wed 17 Jan 2007 - 08:08

Are You Losing Money Through Your Roof?
By Andrew Seltz

Are you losing money through your walls? How about under the door or through your electrical outlets?

The costs of natural gas, heating oil, and electricity have skyrocketed in recent years. A poorly insulated and sealed home could literally be costing you a fortune.

The 'thermal envelope' around your home keeps the air you heat and cool from mixing with outside air. Preventing this from happening requires proper insulation in your walls and attic and sealing all of the cracks and crevices on the outside walls of your home.


The efficiency of insulation in resisting heat flow is measure in R-Value. The higher the R-Value the better the insulating effect.

It is important to have the correct amount of insulation in the outer walls of your home and in the attic space. This will prevent heat exchange through the outside surfaces of your home.

There are a number of insulating products available. Most people are familiar with the pink fiberglass insulation. There is also cellulose insulation (it resembles shredded newspaper an is commonly found in attics) and expanded foam insulation.

If you are building a new home, consult with your contractor about the most efficient and cost effective insulting material for your home.

If you live in an older home with no insulation in the outer walls, it is possible to add insulation without tearing down the walls. You can cut a small hole along the top edge of each outer wall and blow cellulose insulation or pour expanding foam into the wall cavity between the wall studs. The ideal time to do this is during a re-siding project. The contractor can drill the holes through the outside and then cover them with the new siding.

Fixing The Leaks

Just as important as adding insulation is fixing leaks. Gaps between door and window frames and around electrical boxes can let cold air blow right through. Finding these leaks and filling them can dramatically improve the efficiency of your home.

To find the leaks, walk around the outer walls of your home on a cold day. Run your hand along the window frames, door frames, and electrical outlets. When you feel a draft, mark the spot.

Once the leaks are identified, you can use caulk, putty, or expanding foam to fill the cracks and stop the leaks.

Also make sure to check the weather stripping on your windows and doors and replace any that is missing or damaged.

Small Steps Make a Big Impact

These small steps can add up to big savings on your heating and cooling bills. You will stop wasting money heating and cooling the outside (your parent's will be proud!)

To learn more about energy efficient heating and cooling options for your home visit: http://www.EnergyEfficientHeatingAndCooling.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Seltz

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