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How To Effectively Put On A Solar Cover

Mon 15 Jan 2007 - 11:37

How To Effectively Put On A Solar Cover
By Matthew Gio

Solar covers are large light covers that look like bubble wrap and come in all different mills or weights. Some are silver some are black and some are blue. Which ever the case may be they are do one thing; help heat your pool.

Many people do not realize that solar covers only heat you pool up about 10-15 degrees. Which can be very significant but if your pool is 50 degrees then its really not going to do much. Some people find it to be somewhat of a burden to drag the cover on and off. Most folks will go out and buy a solar reel to help them roll up their solar cover.
Here are just a few tips to help you make that safety cover easier to manage.

-If you have a large pool and no solar reel, cut your cover into smaller pieces to make it easy to pull on and off. Solar covers float so there is no need to stretch them or weight them down. This will make each piece more manageable.

-Of course, if you have a large pool, invest in a solar reel. I know they are bulky and may not look nice, but if your that concerned, buy a heater and some solar fish!

-Buy a large plastic trash can so that you can roll up your cover and store it in. It's much cheaper than buying a storage container and big enough to hold it. Sometimes keeping it in the shed or the garage need chlorine will cause little blue or black dots to show up in your pool. This is from the oxidation cause by the chlorine in your shed believe it or not.

And Always put the bubble side down on the water. And Try to shoot to purchasing a 12 mil black or silver cover, blue works fine but it doesn't heat as fast..

Swim University

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Gio

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