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Change the Feel of Your Bedroom Today-It's Easy

Fri 12 Jan 2007 - 14:22

Change the Feel of Your Bedroom Today-It's Easy
By Andy Maingam

Did you know that the layout and decor of your bedroom can have a dramatic impact on your quality of sleep? I'm not just talking about the bed and bedding here, although that is imperative too, but also the positioning of furniture, clutter, and busy decoration. A lot of people don't realise that something as simple of the placement of their bed in relationship to the bedroom door can mean the difference between good sound sleep and a night of restless tossing and turning.

Even though most of us don't consciously know it, we feel safe when we can easily see the bedroom door from the bed. Having the bedroom door in full view will not only reinforce the bed's significance in your design plan, but you will feel comfortable and sleep well too. There's been an awful lot of research into the benefits of sound sleep over recent years and startling results have shown that our surroundings, as well as our beds, and bedding, can be extremely beneficial to obtaining 'quality' sleep.

Obviously, when it comes to decoration ideas, different folks have different ideas as to what makes them feel good, but sadly, the bedroom is usually on the bottom of the home improvements priority list when it comes to taking time out to think carefully about colors, which not only make us feel good, but complement the furniture too. All too often we opt for practical value for money items for the bedroom without too much careful thought.

The average person actually spends around one third of their life in the bedroom, but research has shown that because most of this time is spent sleeping, we actually see less of this room that the lounge, the dining room, or even the bathroom. Most folks go to the bedroom when it's time to sleep and within a couple of minutes it's lights out until it's time to wake up and leave for the bathroom.

Although it's true that we don't see so much of the room we spend most of our lives in, our mind knows exactly where we are, even when we drop off, and if there's clutter laying all around, ugly or tired furniture items, dusty or dirty surfaces, worn carpets, tacky pictures, loud colors on the walls and not to mention inadequate beds and bedding, all this and more can be responsible for poor quality sleep and in some cases nightmares.

Your bed aside, even something as simple as a change of pillow can have a beneficial impact with a problem sleeper, and the same goes for sheets! It seems almost impossible to think that a sheet could impact the way you sleep, but those who have tried it and moved from cheap thin sheets to those with a thread count of 200 up, have reported fantastic results. I fact, most that have experimented with quality sheeting feel that a 400 thread count is where the luxury really begins.

There is so much known today about how we sleep, its benefits to our overall health and general wellbeing, and how we can all improve on the soundness of our slumber by changing the feel of the bedroom with some easy alterations. Even the ancient art if Feng Shui is now being applied to bedrooms in many homes across the country as folks are attempting to gain a little peace of mind by adapting a small piece of spirituality into their homes. After all, we're living in what's becoming an increasingly hectic and complicated world.

Read more on the relationship between beds, bedding and sleep patterns, including a take on the comfy featherbed, at website http://www.bedbedding.com. Plus a piece on the benefits of a real Down Pillow. All this and more at Bed Bedding dot com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Maingam

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