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Double Glazed Window Design Tips - Two Aspects Not Normally Looked At: Part 2

Tue 09 Jan 2007 - 14:00

Double Glazed Window Design Tips - Two Aspects Not Normally Looked At: Part 2
By David Howarth

In my previous article, I talked about sight lines with windows, and in this one I'll talk about windows gaskets.

Another aspect of window selection that is commonly overlooked is whether black gaskets or white gaskets should be used on white PVCu windows. For the most part, black colored gaskets are the industry norm and most companies have only offered black ones. A main reason for this was that when purchasing white gaskets, it was often difficult to get "matching" white for other parts of the windows. However, over the past few years this has changed and today, many companies offer both black and white gaskets. Although many will be quick to dismiss white gaskets, I believe that it does have some advantages and should be given some consideration. White gaskets are a great alternative for paneled doors and often complement and enhance their aesthetics. If you don't like the look of gaskets, I'd recommend "low profile" black gaskets. These gaskets combine the best of both worlds providing a slim design and are not as obtrusive as some black gaskets.

One major disadvantage of white gaskets, however, is that they can easily get muddy and dirty, so you want to take into consideration the terrain on which you live before selecting them. If you think your gaskets will become dirty, you may want to go with black ones or low profile black gaskets over white gaskets.

Finally, my last tip is to consider where you live and the designs of your neighbours. It is only courteous to stay with the window fashion with the rest of the homes on your street so I suggest that if all the other homes on your street have a specific style of windows, you continue the trend. Using "conflicting" styles can often spoil the overall appearance of the neighbourhood and although it may seem trivial, the difference may become apparent and your home will stick out like a sore thumb. Hence, I'd strongly recommend you take into consideration the styles of the surrounding homes when purchasing windows.

David A. Howarth has been working in the home restoration and improvement business in the UK for over 20 years now, and enjoys writing about home improvement features such as double glazing and conservatories.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Howarth

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