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Kitchen Floor Designs

Mon 08 Jan 2007 - 13:59

Kitchen Floor Designs
By Damian Sofsian

Floor designs are an important aspect of kitchen modeling that has to be given its due importance when planning. It is the area that is used roughly on a regular basis as it takes the brunt of the walking and moving around. It is advisable to give some forethought to the floor designing before implementing it, as any future alterations and modifications prove to be more difficult and expensive.

It has been noted that although buyers feel an attraction towards Italian tiles and other hard floorings, they are happier walking on softer surfaces. Floors that have padded carpeting and laminating offer softer surfaces to walk on. It is also advisable to choose neutral and light colors for floor surfaces, as they generally don't clash with any furnishings. It is beneficial to weigh the cost against the benefit ratio when going in for particular flooring. It is also advisable to install kitchen flooring, before installing any of the appliances and equipment.

The modern theory is to install earth-friendly flooring. This is flooring that is eco friendly and do not involve any artificial products. It is noted that upscale market buyers who have the money and the inclination for environment friendly floorings are known to go in for cork and bamboo flooring. This flooring is nature friendly as also easily renewable.

Cork is made from the bark of oak trees and are available for flooring. They are very soft under the feet and also acts as a good sound barrier. Bamboo looks very appealing, with its natural colors of brown to tans, and adds beauty and grace to the kitchen floor. Its distinct grain patterns are also noticed to give visual depth and help the room look larger.

Design psychology is a field that is used to help customers choose the right design for them through certain parameters. The strategy ensures that the customers choose the floor of their choice whether it is simple or elaborately elegant.

Kitchen Designs provides detailed information on Kitchen Design, Kitchen Cabinet Design, Kitchen Design Ideas, Kitchen Design Software and more. Kitchen Designs is affiliated with Small Kitchen Remodeling Ideas.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Damian_Sofsian

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