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Children's Beds: Get The Most Out Of Them

Sun 07 Jan 2007 - 12:52

Children's Beds: Get The Most Out Of Them
By Ammy Johnson

Children's beds are designed to be functional, but they don't have to be just that. You can actually do a lot to a child's bed to make it more than function but also fun and even more space saving. If you have a child with a room that's getting too small for them, or you are looking for new ways to decorate their room, consider the child's bed first and foremost. If you are searching for a new children's bed, there are plenty of ideas that you'll find on the market. The good news is that most of them will provide you with just what you are looking for in fun, decorative and functional style.

Get It Off The Ground

One of the best ways to make the most out of your child's space is to get their bed off the ground. If you have two children in the same room, you can do bunk beds. That's a great space saver that's almost a requirement for those that have a need for more space. If your child has a guest sleep over often, it can also be important to consider a bunk bed style. That way, you can keep them off your couch! But what if there is only the need for one bed? Remember back in college those loft beds? Yes, these can function as excellent beds for a child, too.

By getting your child's bed off the ground, you are able to free up a lot of extra room. You'll quickly be able to place a desk, a seating area, bookshelves or even toy boxes underneath this area and then be able to give them much more room to play in and enjoy. If you have a teen, adding a loft bed to the room with a couch underneath can be a cool addition to any room. But, don't stop with just this.

Children's beds can be used in other ways too. For example, if you did purchase bunk beds, turn the bottom one outwards, under the top bunk, if possible. Now, you've created to sides to the bed that are located under the top bunk. This is an excellent place for desks for each child. Some bunk beds even come with these built in. You can also place a small book shelf on either side of the bottom bunk which will house books for your child. Now, you've got a place to sleep, a place to study and a place for books within the same basic space as the beds would have been.

Adding bookshelves over the top of beds is another resource you have. Or, you can create bins at the bottom of their beds for the toys and things that they'll be playing with each day. You can purchase slide under storage bins that will easily pull out from under their bed when they want the toys and then push back under to create a need hide away. As you can see, using children's beds to the fullest is something that every parent should take into consideration!

To read more of Amy's thoughts on making the move to a http://j2jnetwork.com/8/making-the-move-to-a-platform-bed platform bed, go and click the link:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ammy_Johnson

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