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Smart Tool Buying

Fri 29 Dec 2006 - 14:10

Smart Tool Buying
By Lee Bowman

Smart tool buying involves much more than just comparing prices. You also need to have information and resources to evaluate over all quality, longevity of the tool, performance problems, suitability for the job to be done, as well as warranty and customer service issues.

In order to know the answers there are various resources you can utilize to help. A good first place to check might be your local library. Many libraries maintain an index of magazine articles which would be a good source for background information.

If you are uncertain which tool would be best for the job, you might inquire on woodworking forums. Just ask questions and most folks will be willing to help. Sometimes just reading the previous posts will be helpful to you.

You can also find reviews of various tools in Consumer ReportsTM and by researching the review section of woodworking sites and forums.

Your local hardware stores are a goldmine of information, if you can find someone really knowledgeable and willing to take some time with you. They will, of course, only be able to tell you about tools they sell but, if you go to several stores, you'll get a pretty good feel for things, usually.

Invest wisely. Always try to get a 60 or 90 day satisfaction guarantee. That way, if the tool doesn't do the job, or work as needed for your purpose, you can always get a refund or exchange.

Once you decide what tool, and which brand, how do you locate a source for the tool? Most manufacturers will be happy to refer you to local sources for their tools. Alternatively, you could always do a search on Google or some other search engine.

So, who do you trust to tell it like it is? Listen to your intuition...you know, that small voice that says "something just doesn't sound right" or "this person is really sincerely trying to help me". Pay attention and use it to your advantage.

If you are within a reasonable distance, go to woodworking and tool shows. You'll find lots of free information, demonstrations, and meet tons of people who have purchased, and used, many different woodworking tools. You'll get far more than your money's worth at any one of these shows.

One place to find a listing for the 2007 woodworking shows near your home, is to click the link below the authors name. Other places to inquire would be at convention centers and fairground business offices.

By Lee Bowman

Lee Bowman
Author and Webmaster of http://www.leestoolbench.com
and operated a camper manufacturing company.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lee_Bowman

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