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Tile Bathroom Flooring

Tue 03 Nov 2009 - 15:22

Tile Bathroom Flooring
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Naomi_West]Naomi West

There are many ways in which you can decorate your bathroom. One of the most important is the type of floor that you have and how it looks. The majority of us will use tiles on the floor that are can handle water falling on it and sitting on it without any extended damage to it.

The one downside to this is that it is not always slip resistant so when there is water on it you might fall down. However, this can be easily remedied through the use of bathroom area rugs that sit around the tub, shower, and toilet.

There are many different patterns that you can use to decorate your bathroom floor. The most common is to create a pattern that uses one simple color on the entire floor. Obviously this is not much of a pattern and is the easiest to lay down. Just make sure to use light colors because darker colors will make the room look and feel smaller.

When trying to use various colors and a set pattern the best way to make sure it translates into your floors correctly is to use graph paper. Each graph is designated as a tile and should be shaded in with the appropriate color. Any white tiles should be left blank to show what these are for.

Lay down the graph paper of the bathroom floor design on the ground and transfer it. Now all you have to do is fill it in. This will help to make it easier for you and reduce the number of mistakes you might make.

When trying to decide on [http://bathroomtiledesign.blogsavy.com/bathroom-floor-tile-design/]Bathroom Flooring you should consider using tile. Learn the various [http://bathroomtiledesign.blogsavy.com/]Tile Designs that you are able to use.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Naomi_West http://EzineArticles.com/?Tile-Bathroom-Flooring&id=3196400

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