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Garage Organizing Tips: The Amicable Cohabitation of Cars, Tools - And Humans!

Wed 13 Dec 2006 - 19:22

Garage Organizing Tips: The Amicable Cohabitation of Cars, Tools - And Humans!
By JB Anthony

Contrary to what most lazy garage homeowners believe, tools and cars - and other garage items - can definitely co-exist. In a garage world where everything depends on patience and a good organizing skill, anything and everything can and should live together: cars, tools, benches, lawn mowers, etc. Why? Because everything you don't use in your home everyday, you store in the garage.

1. Categorize - The first step is to categorize items into breakable, unbreakable, sharp, lawn and garden tools, auto accessories, hobby tools, etc. Once you have made a general survey of what is mostly stored in your garage, the next step which is organizing will not be so hard anymore.

2. Organize - The next step is to organize these items generally. Place them first in boxes. Keep what you must, but throw what you can. Show no mercy. It is your garage. Don't get ruled by the clutter. Instead, rule over the clutter.

3. Storage-ize - The third step is to plan a storage device for each item boxes that you have carefully categorized and organized. Keep in mind to maximize hanging spaces and possible wall cabinets. Keep the poisonous and flammable fluids out of children's hands. Keep sharp, motorized and electric machineries out of the way of children's heads.

It sounds fairly simple and it is. The problem lies not in this three simple process but in waking up early on a weekend, getting your dirty clothes, gloves and goggles on, and in mustering up enough courage - not to mention determination and patience - to dive into an ocean of garage clutter.
For whatever reason your garage was built, garages should serve their purpose, whether it be a playroom for your kids, a carpentry and woodwork hobby shop, an art studio, or car park area. And how else can one possibly get the most out of one's garage? Categorize. Organize. Storage-ize!

JB Anthony is the webmaster of http://www.buildyourgarage.com To link to affordable garage storage systems and garage cabinets, to read garage storage reviews and updates and to read more articles about garage organization tips, simply log on to http://www.buildyourgarage.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JB_Anthony

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