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How to Avoid Getting Locked Out

Wed 30 Sep 2009 - 15:41

How to Avoid Getting Locked Out
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Breneman]Kathy Breneman

Getting locked out is something that's almost inevitable eventually. The fact that you're required every single day to remember all of your keys as you leave means that you're bound to slip up at some point. Unfortunately it's also one of the most irritating things that can happen and can leave you stranded in the garden for hours sometimes while you wait for help. In some cases it will ruin your plans for the day and make it a write off. As we often lock ourselves out when we're distracted or stressed it can also often come at the worst possible time. This is particularly a problem for those with automatically locking doors.

Fortunately there are a variety of precautions you can take to minimize your chances of getting locked out of your home. The first and most obvious of these is to have spare keys. Lot's of them. By getting copies of your keys by a locksmith or at key cutters, you can then make sure that you have backups around should you need them. You should get around five cut to be on the safe side (they're not expensive) and hide them or give them to people so that you can always access one.

The best thing to do with a spare key is probably to give it to a neighbor. This way they're local and you won't waste much time popping round to retrieve them (though if you do it too often you'll become a pain and they might start pretending to be out). You should also make sure that you get a locksmith to cut a key for every member of the household so that it usually becomes simply a matter of waiting for your partner or housemate to get home.

If you live alone however you need to ensure that at least one other friend has a spare copy so that you don't end up having to smash your own window which makes a waste of time into a waste of money as well. Finally you should stash a copy of your key in your car and/or at work which leaves you with yet another place you can go to collect it. If you want to be really smart though and you carry a bag or suitcase to work then you can always hide a spare in there. That way if you forget to take them you can always rely on your second pair that should always be with you.

Of course if you can avoid locking yourself out in the first place then that's going to be far preferable than having to pester a third party, drive long distances or call a locksmith. One way to prevent yourself forgetting your keys and leaving them at home or at work then is to keep all your keys on one key ring. This way you'll be likely to notice your lack of keys when you try to open the car and can go back in to get them. You should also make sure that you leave your keys somewhere on view that you will pass in the morning and notice - even leaving them in the front door.

If you still find yourself getting caught out however then you will need to contact a locksmith or break a window. For this reason it is sensible to have the number of a local locksmith on you at most times.

For more information on type of locks and help with opening them if you are locked out; visit [http://www.totalbaylocksmith.com]locksmith walnut creek and [http://www.totalbaylocksmith.com]locksmith san ramon.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Breneman http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Avoid-Getting-Locked-Out&id=2958368

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