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What You Should Know About Attic Ceiling Insulation

Mon 21 Sep 2009 - 21:42

What You Should Know About Attic Ceiling Insulation
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Simon_Harris]Simon Harris

In this day and age, more and more people are finding themselves in a position to become experts in areas they never thought they'd dive into. For example, people who find themselves in the market to buy a home are discovering that they need to make sure they are getting their money's worth before deciding on which home to purchase.

One of the most vital areas to check is the homes ability to keep heat or cold air contained. With central heat and air, the unit is turned on and off based on the temperature in the home overall. If you have insufficient insulation, then your unit will be turning on many more times, and for longer durations, than it should. This is like throwing your money right out the door, or rather through the cracks in your homes foundation.

For many homes, the escape hatch for heat and cold air (as well as the inlet of heat in the summer and cold air in the winter) lies in the attic. If your attic ceiling insulation is not sufficient, or it isn't installed correctly, it may not be doing its job. There are many instances of homes where the insulation was installed by the home owner who only had a basic concept of what to do. In these cases you may have enough attic ceiling insulation installed, but it may be as dormant as a bunch of boxes stored up there!

It would behoove you to get online and start doing some research in the area of insulation. You want to learn about exactly how it "should" be installed, the pitfalls of incorrect installation, and the many red flags that show you if yours is up to par. The beauty of the internet these days is that you can find literally thousands of pages on any subject- especially an area where many people have discovered their home was nickel and dime-ing them to death when it could have been avoided simply by knowing where the problem is.

You would be shocked to learn just how much money you could SAVE simply by taking the time to learn about attic ceiling insulation alone! Remember, heat rises and if you don't have the right insulation that heat will rise right out of your home leaving you and your family cold and in debt (higher bills) where you shouldn't be!

Simon Harris writes about insulation on [http://www.insulationanswers.com]http://www.insulationanswers.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Harris http://EzineArticles.com/?What-You-Should-Know-About-Attic-Ceiling-Insulation&id=2958716

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