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Considering Mineral Wool Insulation to Protect Your Home?

Mon 21 Sep 2009 - 21:45

Considering Mineral Wool Insulation to Protect Your Home?
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Simon_Harris]Simon Harris

The market is full of a nice variety of insulation choices but which one is right for your particular home? The answer to that will depend on where you live, and what it is you're trying to accomplish. If you want to do more than simply insulate your home from basic temperatures then mineral wool insulation could be a great choice. This type of insulation has many properties that go beyond just keeping the temperatures in or out of the home.

Mineral wool insulation has incredibly high temperature thresholds meaning it can not only protect your home from temperatures, it can also stop fires from reaching other areas of the home. This material doesn't melt under high temperatures and can withstand up to 2000 degrees of heat before even starting to degrade. These days many homes are in areas that are subject to forest or other fires and it does little good to pour water on the roof if the fire attacks other areas of the building. Insulating a room for example will lock the fires potential damage to that room because it won't burn through the mineral wool, at least it will have a tough time staying alive with nothing to burn.

With mineral wool insulation embedded in your walls and in the attic, you can effectively have a fire wall protecting the perimeter of your valuables. Mineral wool is made from recycled materials some of which give it these powerful capabilities to heat up to over 1800 degrees F (highs of between 1800-2000 degrees). This can also protect the inside of your home from a hot summer day when the central heat and air is down, keeping the heat out and helping to hold the cool air in.

Mineral wool insulation is also brilliant for sound proofing your home. Used in between the walls, and ceiling/attic, sound will have a hard time penetrating the layers. This is a great way to raise your property value, and install more privacy in every room. This type of insulation comes in various materials but one of the most effective types comes with a built in adhesive that is mixed in with the other materials and sprayed into the walls or attic to activate it.

While all insulation will do the job of insulating the home to one degree or another, the properties and extra benefits of mineral wool insulation make it an excellent candidate for more homes out there, especially homes in specific areas where fire and sound pollution are a problem. Sound proofing a home is great for homes near train tracks, or within hearing distance of trains that go by several times a night as well as homes near freeways or high air traffic areas.

Traditionally insulation for homes was thought of as just blocking temperatures from invading or escaping, but today's world requires more than that. If you live in the country and noise is not a problem, this may still be a good choice for you because you never know when an outside fire will strike.

Simon Harris writes about insulation on [http://www.insulationanswers.com]http://www.insulationanswers.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Simon_Harris http://EzineArticles.com/?Considering-Mineral-Wool-Insulation-to-Protect-Your-Home?&id=2958969

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