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Why Didn't Anybody Tell Me

Tue 12 Dec 2006 - 12:04

Why Didn't Anybody Tell Me
By Troy Dobson

People seem shocked and amazed at what it takes to properly maintain a home. People have asked me why nobody told them how much there is to know. I have spent the last twenty-five years of my life dedicated to maintenance, repair, and upgrading issues in home and commercial applications.
I would like to remind you of the importance of proper maintenance when it comes to your heating and air conditioning equipment. There are at least three things you need to know about maintaining your heating and air conditioning equipment. They are dirt, animals, and plants.
Your heating and air conditioning equipment needs to breathe in order to function the way it was designed to. It is important to change the filters on a regular basis in the equipment along with keeping the condensing section of the air conditioner clean as well. Overtime dirt and dust will coat everything in the equipment. Not only will it plug up the areas required to allow the fans to breathe and keep the components cool. Dirt will also coat electrical components insulating them causing them to over heat as well.

Your beloved pets can be a disaster to your heating and air conditioning equipment. Rover will lift his leg on the outside unit. Any animal's urine will damage the aluminum condenser coil. It will cause rust and the break down of the metal holding the outdoor unit together.
As I have already said the heating and air conditioner equipment needs to breathe. The outdoor unit needs to draw air across the coil, this helps to dissipate the heat collected from in the home as well as cooling the compressor. Often people plant bushes in front and around this outdoor unit in order to hide it. Unfortunately those bushes are often planted to close to the unit and the leaves get sucked into the coil blocking the air flow through the fins.

There is a real need for information to help new and old home owners maintain their homes with out having to spend a lot of money and risk with repair people they are not sure of. I will seek to provide that information in the clearest way possible.

This article is brought to you by Troy Dobson at www.dobson41.ws a do it yourself home maintenance infromation site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Troy_Dobson

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