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Five Types of Insulation For Your Home

Wed 17 Jun 2009 - 12:04

Five Types of Insulation For Your Home
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Billings_Farnsworth]Billings Farnsworth

Because energy costs usually account for the majority of household expenses, choosing your insulation should be a careful consideration. There are five basic types of insulation that you can use in your home, depending what area you need to insulate. 

The first type of insulation is spray foam. It is sprayed on areas such as concrete slabs, unfinished walls, and into any holes in drywall. The foam expands, hardens, and blocks airflow caused by any leaks or gaps in the wall.                                                                 

Unlike foam insulations, rigid insulation can be used throughout the entire house. It is usually produced in board-like forms and is most often used to insulate foundations and to sheath walls. 

Blown-in loose fill insulation is the third type of insulation and is made of a variety of materials, including rock wool, fiberglass, or cellulose and is in a free fibrous form. This type of insulation is usually used in wall cavities or to fill in other irregular spaces or holes. Loose fill insulation is also popular in insulating unfinished spaces, like attics.

Insulation in batts or blankets is one of the most popular types of insulation. It is usually made of fiberglass and is cut in order to fit the desired space and to fit around any obstructions. Batt or blanket insulation fits into standard spaces, typically walls, floors, or attics.  

The fifth type of insulation most commonly used in homes is reflective barrier insulation. It is made of aluminum foils and is most effective in reducing heat moving downward. It is used between roof rafters, wall joists, and wall studs. 

By understanding the different types of insulation available, you can make the best decision in choosing what insulation to use in your home.

In states where weather can be on either extreme during the year, proper home insulation is crucial. For the best in New Hampshire insulation please contact MJW Drywall ( http://www.nhfoam.com/) for help today. Billings Farnsworth is a freelance writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Billings_Farnsworth http://EzineArticles.com/?Five-Types-of-Insulation-For-Your-Home&id=2479514

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