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Garden Studios and Offices

Mon 20 Apr 2009 - 15:13

Garden Studios and Offices
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Graham_Baylis_Jr]Graham Baylis Jr

There are many uses for a garden building, you could use it as a studio or office, the latter having many benefits. Perhaps the greatest of all is that 'separation' that it gives you between your office life from your home life.

Having a separate area for where you can work on your hobbies is great too, just imagine being able to paint, make music or whatever 'in your own space!'

So building a garden office or studio is a very good solution, here's some major points in their favour and some things to bear in mind at the planning stage too.

- A separate building keeps your office out of your home, but still at home. This allows you to have office space where you can do your work and also host clients without disruption to or from the household.

- As the office is separate from the home (not using the spare room) you don't have to clear everything away whenever you have family or friends staying.

- Your office can be designed and set out the way you want without having the drawbacks of trying to fit it all in that spare room within the house,

- You do not have to travel to work as your office is on your doorstep. This will save money on transport costs and allow you to maximise your working hours.

- Your office hours can be as flexible as you need them to be, so if you want an early start or work late, it is very convenient.

- The office can be built to be self contained with all the equipment and facilities of a standard office.

- As your office is out of the home, your garden office will be a quiet retreat from where to operate your business. No disruption from loud televisions or interruptions from family members.

- As you are in control of the design, you can make sure that there is good natural lighting (which you can regulate with blinds when necessary). This is particularly important if you are using computer screens or doing 'arty things'.

- It is an affordable way of setting up and running your own offices, which may increase the value of your home at the same time.

- Finally, your garden office should last for years, so ensure it will be built using quality materials. Talk to the manufacturer or supplier about your requirements and expectations, that way you will both be satisfied with the end result.

Graham Baylis is as busy a business man as you can be and he knows that it's a well known fact that people need space to think, and what better space is there than a peaceful spot in your own back garden. This is just the thinking behind Garden Escape's unique range of Garden Studio Buildings. Of course you can also use such space for business or pleasure, this list covering the FUN area. See http://www.thegardenescape.co.uk

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Graham_Baylis_Jr http://EzineArticles.com/?Garden-Studios-and-Offices&id=2236941

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