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Feng Shui Tips With Salt Crystals and Colors

Mon 09 Mar 2009 - 15:13

Feng Shui Tips With Salt Crystals and Colors
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=I_Samovsky]I Samovsky

Feng shui subscribes to a number of practices that includes arranging objects and using colors to obtain the best positive energy. This consists of where to place objects in the home, geographic location of the home, and the interior and exterior design of a building or home.

Five Elements are implemented and represented by one, two or three of the following colors:

Wood - Green
Fire - Red
Water - Black or blue
Earth - Brown or Yellow
Metal - White, Gold, or Silver

A fundamental principle of feng shui is integrating the five elements into an area so they work collectively to bring harmony. The key is to add elements in rooms where positive energy is needed the most. This includes entryways, bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms.

More positive energy is needed where people spend the most time. Depending on the room, items and colors should emanate good health, happiness, love, and serenity. For the office, the key is to use items, colors, and images that make you feel happy, creative, appreciated, successful, and emanates prosperity.

Salt Crystal Lamps are used in feng shui as a way of purifying objects, the environment, and the body. The salt draws negative energies (sha chi) from objects and environment allowing them to receive positive energy. Salt lamps come in a variety of colors with a specific purpose:

Orange - Assists with feelings of security and is helpful to our nervous system and mind as wells as activating the kidneys and bladder.
Yellow - Promotes intellectual understanding and activates the pancreas, liver and gall bladder.
Red - Strengthens the heart and circulation.
Pink - Supports the sense of companionship and love
White - Has a cleansing and detoxifying effect.
Brown - Helps to find ones own sense of balance.
Purple- The color of the highest charka and a spiritual aid

Feng Shui involves balancing the life forces. (Chi) This revolves around the Yin (female) and Yang (male) forces. It is believed that the "Yin" is known to be the more restful force of the two. The bedroom should be set up to have more "Yin" to support a sense of serenity and have better sleep. Solay Purple Persian Salt Lamps have been known as a more effective aid for insomnia and purple in the money corner brings abundance.

A healthy flow of feng shui energy in key areas of your home will create a happier, healthier, and more energetic family. Incorporating the principles of feng shui will help reduce poor behavior, poor attitudes, as well as decrease the incidents of low energy and sickness. Feng shui is an ancient art. Consulting a feng shui specialist is recommended but you can do it yourself.

Some quick feng shui tips:

Salt has been an ancient remedy to free up stuck energy, to begin, cleanse your house by sprinkling salt water in the corners of the room where bad energy can collect. Then place beautiful objects in the corners, plants, stones, vases are helpful. Place a Solay salt lamp in every room to help the energy flow and radiate beautiful healing light.

The direction of your house also determines the positioning of furniture. Never face your back to the door (offices, bedrooms, living spaces)

Keep bathroom doors closed and toilet seats down as that represents a waste of money (flushing money down the toilet)

Money trees are helpful in offices and should be cared for if sick or dying and replaced as soon as possible.

Set an intention and love yourself and your surrounding by using beautiful objects.

Isabella Samovsky founded Solay Wellness when she was just 29-years-old, after falling in love with a Salt crystal lamp. As she tells it, she was instantly drawn to the lamps striking beauty and energy, as well as its strong health benefits. But, Isabella didn't stop there. After doing research, she learned how beneficial natural salt is and about it's many uses, as well as how it can be used to help people look and feel better. This prompted her to create Solay Wellness dba http://www.natural-salt-lamps.com in 2004 and to eventually launch her own top-selling product lines including Solay simple, Solay gourmet, Solay smile, Solay 84 minerals and more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=I_Samovsky http://EzineArticles.com/?Feng-Shui-Tips-With-Salt-Crystals-and-Colors&id=2047693

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