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Roof Maintenance and Insurance

Tue 05 Dec 2006 - 10:23

Roof Maintenance and Insurance
By Cindy Lee Jones

I got up on my mother's roof recently to check it out for her. She's in her 70's and can't get up there herself. What did I find? Scary maintenance issues, that's what. I got down off of the roof and arranged for someone to come out and take care of the issues I found straightaway.

Now, I'd like to help you understand why roof maintenance is essential, and what sort of areas will likely need your attention.

Wear and tear is all part of the game. Your roof is exposed to the elements 24/7 so over time the beatings it takes can really add up to some substantial damage.

It's a good idea to have a look at your roof (or have someone do it for you) AT LEAST once a year. Check all the vents and flashings. The caulk that's used to seal around their edges dries out and pulls away from them over time. These need to be recaulked when this happens.

Also, check any valleys and gutters for leaves and debris buildup. If such buildup is left there, it can cause water to pool and could cause surrounding wood to rot.

You should check for missing shingles, scraped shingles, or overhanging tree limbs that could potentially damage the roof.

The best way to prevent big damage and losses in your house from storms, is to upkeep any potential problem areas. And from an insurance standpoint, this is very important, because most losses that are a result of maintenance issues will not be covered.

Cindy Jones is a claims adjuster, author and trainer. Find out more about her at http://www.adjustercindy.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_Lee_Jones

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