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Home & Garden Articles

The Best Air Conditioning System

Mon 27 Nov 2006 - 15:06

The Best Air Conditioning System
By Steve Knowles

Ever wanted to know what the best air conditioning system was? But you know they all have a vested interest in recommending a certain brand and you also have that feeling that there all they want is your money and once they have their grubby hands on it they will be harder to find that an honest politician.

Arm yourself folks, arm yourself with questions and if they cannot answer even one of your questions you have to get out of there with afterburners on full throttle.

What if you don't know what questions to ask?

I'll tell you now, you are in for a confusing roller coaster ride down the slippery slope of technical details and confusing jargon, which happens to be a salespersons number one weapon.
So what's in it for us? Well After spending 20years in the air conditioning industry at ALL levels I can tell you I have seen and heard of many tales of trickery and deception "just to make that sale".
Be warned, be forearmed and be prepared.

Go and get those quotes with all the right questions in your arsenal. Stick a few of the right questions into the salesperson's face and you watch the respect they will give you as a result.

There is nothing that brings a smile to a salesperson's face quicker than an ignorant customer, and there is nothing quicker to wipe that smile away than to blast a question that shows you as being informed and educated (at least in a small way) in the arena that you are in.

So go, read, learn at www.overmi.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Knowles

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