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Classic Barns

Wed 22 Nov 2006 - 14:31

Classic Barns
By Alison Cole

Over the years barns have served as farm factories, places of business and storehouses for equipment and supplies. Barns were the heart of the farm and the vital center of community life. For many Americans today, barns represent tradition, hard work and independence. This is why these barns have remained as a strong, enduring attraction for most Americans.

Classic barns are usually made of wood with a tin roof. These barns earlier served the purpose of storing corn, grain, hay, vehicles and other implements, as well as shelter for animals. The barns of the Midwest and the historic Nebraska barns are popular classic barns. Classic barns show the influence of different cultures, which include English, German, Swedish, Ukraine, Czech, Norwegian, Italian, Danish, Polish, Irish and many other nationalities. Classic barns of the northern regions look considerably different from those in the southern region because of climatic variations and special needs.

Classic barns evolved from old barns, with individual farmers applying their own techniques and ideas over long periods of time. These barns are classified according to their ethnic origin, varying construction systems and regional characteristics. Classic barns feature Z-braced doors and traditional window trims. Some of them have two or more floors and big cupolas.

Classic barns nostalgically remind us of simpler times and impart the security and warmth of a harvest home. They speak volumes about the farmers who built them, the type of crops and animals for which they were built, the land from which the farmers came from, and how successful and prosperous they had been. Classic barns survive today mainly in historical regions of mixed farming in the upland south. Today in the world of modern barns, classic barns stand apart with their own unique style. Several architects, designers and builders are selling plans and kits for classical barns.

Barns provides detailed information on Barns, Pole Barns, Barns for Sale, Storage Barns and more. Barns is affiliated with Steel Garages.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alison_Cole

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