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Taking Your Garage Back

Thu 14 Feb 2008 - 13:35

Taking Your Garage Back
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Stephen_F_Nickse]Stephen F Nickse

Remember when you were able to park your car in the garage? And remember when the garage was simply a place that only the car lived. Now the garage is home to workshops, sports equipment, lawn mowers, extra refrigerators and more.

So how do you take your garage back?

Here are a few easy suggestions:

  • Hang shelves and hooks to store things along the walls. Hanging items gets your clutter off the floor and makes items more accessible.

  • Organize your overflow of clutter with utility cabinets or custom garage cabinets.

  • Keep your workshop essentials clean, protected, and close at hand with toolboxes and chests.

  • Use a storage system made especially for small things, or try the old-fashioned method: nail baby food jar lids to a board mounted above your workspace. Screw the jars onto the lids to hold tiny things. Small items can disappear without notice.

  • Get back your garage and expand your space with the purchase of a storage shed or renting storage.

    Garage storage cabinets makes use of the space you have in the vertical plane and helps get your stored items off the floor. Garage storage cabinets have come a long way in the past several years. Custom cabinets come in numerous colors and are clean looking. The cabinets are also built with the kind of quality that lasts a lifetime.

    If you are a do-it-yourselfer, just hanging up items in your garage will make an incredible difference in how much space you gain within your garage. Here a few ways to add more storage:

  • Add shelf space with the use of four lengths of chain and eight hooks. You need a plank, four equal lengths of chain and eight hooks. Fasten one hook to each corner of the plank and one hook to a corresponding spot in the ceiling or beam above, then slip the chains into place.

  • Keep tools organized by hanging them on a pegboard. You'll keep the area tidy if you have a specific location for each tool. Once this is done, paint a silhouette of the tool on the pegboard for other users to have a placement guide.

  • Ladders can be hung from rafters and bikes can be hung from the walls. (However, if you aren't the type to be bothered to lift your bike, see the next suggestion.)

  • Use electric tape or paint to mark off a "reserved parking" space for anything with wheels.

  • Use an old golf bag for long-handled tools such as shovels and rakes, or hang them individually from hooks or grabber holders. If the item doesn't have a hole in the handle, screw a cup hook into the tip. (A cup hook is a hook meant to hold a cup. One end is made of a screw, while the other end is shaped in a curve. Screw the screw end into a wall of shelf, and slip the handle of the cup onto the curved end of the hook. This is a standard item that can be found in any hardware department.)

    If all of this sounds like too much work for, there are companies who install custom cabinets in your garage for you. Either way, you will hopefully get your garage back.

    Stephen Nickse is the founder of Closet Solutions, a leading provider of quality [http://closet-solutions.com/garage.htm]boston closets, strategically headquartered in the nation's design capitol, Boston, Ma. For more information, please visit [http://www.closet-solutions.com]www.closet-solutions.com

    Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_F_Nickse http://EzineArticles.com/?Taking-Your-Garage-Back&id=980693

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