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Cheap Air Beds

Wed 22 Nov 2006 - 14:59

Cheap Air Beds
By Kent Pinkerton

If you are planning to buy an air bed, remember to follow some guidelines so you will not fall prey to cheap air beds that give frustrating results.

The first thing to look for in an air bed is its durability and construction. When plastics are used, beds might appear thinner but can actually be a lot stronger. You should also consider the type of welds that are responsible for holding the mattress together.

More often than not, cheap models break apart at the seams. Some air bed makers use a thicker plastic with a coating of soft fabric for added comfort. Remember to ask for repair kits since small seams or punctures can be easily patched.

A good air beds should be inflated easily. A few high-end models even allow users to select their desired level of firmness. Most models of air beds follow the same sizes available for ordinary beds.

Air beds can range from the most simple chamber mattress to those with multiple foam layers and options for pillow tops. Avoid falling for models that give other features such as digital controls, slow and quiet pumps and layers of foam that are not necessary and add a huge chunk to the price tag. Some air beds even have multiple chambers that adjust separately. They are quite expensive, and their comfort level and reliability is still questionable.

Characteristics to consider when purchasing an air bed its the quality, the position of the foam used, the bladders, the durability and ease of use of the pump and the side rail system. The best air beds are those with a simple design and made of quality materials that generally last longer.

So check out the various types of air beds available on the market before deciding on the type you want to purchase.

Air Beds provides detailed information on Air Beds, Air Mattress Beds, Adjustable Air Beds, Raised Air Beds and more. Air Beds is affiliated with Camping Air Mattress.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kent_Pinkerton

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