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Spray Foam Insulation Better For You and the Environment

Mon 31 Dec 2007 - 08:50

Spray Foam Insulation Better For You and the Environment
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Stratton]Andrew Stratton

Spray foam insulation is a smart choice for keeping your home warm. But, that's not all it can do. Spray foam insulation also protects your house by keeping out mold, mildew and pests. It is also safer than regular materials because it is fire resistant.

With spray foam insulation, you get all of these benefits rolled up in one product. This is why so many people are now choosing it over traditional materials.

Mold, Mildew And Other Nasty Stuff

What you don't know about mold and mildew can cause you major health problems. Few people understand really how bad it is to have mold in your home. Any moisture or water in the home can be a breeding ground for mold, and traditional materials just doesn't keep the water out.

It is particularly easy for water to leak into basements and form permanent puddles in out of the way places, which is where mold and mildew thrive.

Spray foam insulation works well against water and moisture because it expands to fit the space exactly. It doesn't chip and crack over time. This is the leading cause of mold in basements; it isn't that the insulation was improperly installed or inadequate, but that it cracked over time. These cracks are how moisture gets in.

Keep Out Those Uninvited Guests

Cozy air pockets in standard materials also invites in our creepy crawly friends. Nobody wants a small nation of cockroaches living in the basement. Bugs can squeeze in anywhere, and unless you have spray foam insulation that fills all the cracks and holes in your foundation, you will find them living with you.

Again, it's the expanding that fills in all those spaces. Expanding foam does what regular materials simply cannot do; like a sculpture mold, it fits exactly the crevices and cracks around the basement or attic where it is installed.

Fire Safety

One of the advantages of spray foam over traditional types is that it is fire resistant. The material itself will not catch fire in the event of a house fire.

Tests have been conducted to check the fire resistance levels, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive. Having your house's crawlspace insulated this way is a great way to keep you and your family safe from fires that would otherwise rage all over the house in minutes.

Traditional home insulation is highly flammable. This is because there are pockets of air around or inside the material. This is just what a fire needs to keep it going and spread further throughout the house. Foam spray fills spaces in your house like crawlspaces and attic walls so that no air can get through.

In addition to being helpful in protecting your home against moisture, pests and fire, spray insulation helps protect the environment. It is part of the growing trend of "building green." Unlike other insulation types, it is made from renewable resource materials and is a much "greener" choice.

Spray foam insulation does more than just keep you warm. It offers a great solution to many problems homeowners face.

Foam spray insulation offers home and business owners so many benefits in one product. To learn more about this mold, mildew, pest, and fire resistant insulation in one environmentally friendly product, visit Apex Foam Industries. http://www.apexfoam.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Stratton http://EzineArticles.com/?Spray-Foam-Insulation-Better-For-You-and-the-Environment&id=899846

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