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So You've Decided To Buy or Build A Sauna - Now Where the Heck Do You Put It?

Thu 23 Nov 2006 - 10:46

So You've Decided To Buy or Build A Sauna - Now Where the Heck Do You Put It?
By Adam Boulton

Depending on the type of sauna you plan to build or purchase there are many potential locations you can install the sauna. However, you should give this careful thought, because you can't just simply "place" a sauna anywhere.

For example, if you've decided on a sauna that requires electricity, you need to place it where you will be able to run the appropriate wiring. This means that putting it down by the edge of the lake might not be the best idea.

If you've decided on a wood burning sauna, you need to consider the time and energy required to haul the wood back and forth to the sauna's location, especially if you plan to cut your own wood.

In addition, for steam saunas, a water supply is very important when considering a location. If your steam sauna is going indoors, you may need to have special plumbing and drains installed. If you choose to place it outdoors, you will also need some sort of plumbing, unless you intend to collect water or haul it from a faucet or nearby pond.

Many of these choices and restrictions are purely for cost and convenience reasons. Your choice in location is only limited by your imagination, and many people have come up with some pretty creative ideas when it comes to sauna placement.

Obviously the most practical and convenient locations tend to be in bathrooms, basements, or separate sauna buildings, however, people have put saunas on floating platforms in a lake or pond. Some more creative installations include in the back of pickup trucks, on trailer beds, or even in the cabin of a van! Don't get carried away though, these special locations require a lot more adaptation and special materials. Wherever you decide to put it, use your imagination and you're guaranteed to come up with some original locations for your new sauna.

Adam Boulton is a proud owner of a portable infrared sauna. If you've decided to purchase an electric based sauna such as a far infrared sauna, you'd be surprised to know that not only are they are easy to install, they can even be built with common materials. Please visit Infrared-Sauna-Benefits.com to learn more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Boulton

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