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Remodelling a Garage - More Space Without Tearing Down a Wall

Sat 18 Nov 2006 - 07:03

Remodelling a Garage - More Space Without Tearing Down a Wall
By Milos Pesic

Did your family get bigger? Does your eldest child wish to have his own space rather than share it with his younger siblings? Do you need an office space so you can work at home? Or are you looking for a new place to host a hang out or a party? Before you decide to tear down a wall to add another square foot of space to your home, you might want to consider remodeling a garage instead.

Remodeling a garage means that you'll be able to meet all the requirements for space that you're family needs without having to cost you an arm and a leg that is brought by having to add another room or floor to your home. You will also avoid the hassles and disruption of your everyday life from having workers go in and out of your home while undergoing an addition of space.

A great advantage of remodeling a garage instead of adding another room is that electricity and plumbing often already exist in the room. Pertaining to the structure, the only things to be done are permanently closing-off the garage door and perhaps, opening up a wall to connect the garage to the main home. Whatever you decide to do with the interior walls can redefine the space into a laundry-room, office, bedroom or even a small studio type apartment.

Aside from this advantage, remodeling a garage can also provide numerous benefits. The value of your property can increase because of the increase in useable space without sacrificing the main structure of the home and the landscape of the property. Remodeling a garage also gives you a spacious home without worrying about increased mortgage. A remodeled garage also means that the use of space is more efficient.

Remodeling a garage would be highly recommended rather than having extensions done to your home. Unlike additions, remodeling a garage only takes two to three weeks. Good weather is not a requirement for having to work since the jobs to be done are indoors. Workers would only be going into the main house to make the necessary connections for electricity, water and gas - meaning, this does little to disrupt your daily activities and you do not have to be away from the house for significant amounts of time.

So before you decide to tear down a wall to add several more square feet to your home, consider your garage first. It can save you a lot of time and money but still give you the satisfaction of having another room built for your use.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Remodeling and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Home Remodeling web site. For more articles and resources on Home Remodeling related topics, Remodeling Contractors, Home Remodeling Loans, Remodeling Ideas and much more visit his site at:


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Milos_Pesic

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