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Home Office Organizer - Organize Your Home Office For Maximum Effectiveness

Thu 17 May 2007 - 14:52

Home Office Organizer - Organize Your Home Office For Maximum Effectiveness
By Josh Neumann

If you are like millions of people today, you want to start
your own home based business but simply don't know where to start. The fact is
that the vast majority of start-up businesses do not make it past their first
year. What is the reason for such a high rate of failure?

Truthfully, there are many different variables in play, but
a big reason is a lack of office organization. Believe it or not, the way your
home office is set up has a big impact on your overall effectiveness as an

If you have to spend a lot of time searching for items that
you should have at the tip of your fingertips, you will never reach your maximum
productivity. Here are some tips to help you achieve good organization in your
home office.

First of all, as with any area of your home, begin this
exercise by extricating yourself from items you really don't need. Simply go
through and get rid of any items you no longer (or have never used) such as
papers, pencils, erasers, etc.

Truth be told, thousands of people could instantly
skyrocket their productivity just by taking this incredibly simple (but often
painful) step. More than likely, things you really don't need account for most
of the junk in your home office. Once you get rid of these, you will be amazed
at the amount of free space you truly have available that you never even knew

Once this is accomplished, now go through and sort your
related items into piles. For instance, you're more pressing or urgent papers
should be in one file, your less urgent papers in another, etc. Likewise, keep
your pencils together, erasers, etc.

Once you've separated the piles, put them either in your
desk drawers or a cabinet. Make sure you put each pile in a separate drawer.
You've just instantly cut through about 95% of the clutter around your home

Finally, make sure that the color scheme in your office is
conducive to work related activities. Bright colors have clearly proven to be
distracting from one's work related activities, while more neutral colors such
as gray or beige tend to help with productivity. Typically, the less noticeable
your color scheme, the better.

While these

home office organizer tips are certainly very simple to implement, the truth
is that most people will simply never take the action necessary to get their
home office (and thus their life) in order. Believe it or not, your
effectiveness and overall success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to
organize and mange your work related ties. Try implementing these simple steps,
and watch your productivity (and income) skyrocket in a hurry.

Want to learn more great closet
organizing, and general organizing tips? Try visiting
a popular organization site that teaches you not only how to organize your
closet, but how to keep your life in order by keeping it organized.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Josh_Neumann

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