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How to Locate And Repair Swimming Pool Leaks

Thu 09 Nov 2006 - 12:56

How to Locate And Repair Swimming Pool Leaks
By Alex Fir

It is fairly easy to notice a leak. As soon as you have opened your pool for the year, you can simply notice a leak by the water gushing out. Where the leak is coming from, can be a totally different story. Sometimes it can be easy to tell; other times it can be a bit more difficult.

The first thing you should do is make sure that the missing water is actually a leak. Although you may believe it's a leak, it could be something else. On the whole, there are 3 causes of water loss with swimming pools - plumbing leaks, shell leaks, and evaporation. Occasionally, what you believe is a leak can be water lost from splashing - especially if you have a lot of people diving in your pool.

Evaporation is a frequent cause of water loss, and there is a method to determine if your loss of water is indeed evaporation. To find out, fill a large container full of water and put it on the first pool step. Next, remove some water from the container so that the water in the pool and the container are the same level. Let the container sit there for several days; no one should use the pool during the time.

When you check back after several days, the levels should be the same. If they have gone down, then you know that evaporation from the sun is the reason. If the pool water has dropped a great deal more than what you have in the container, you have a leak in your pool.

If you suppose that the water is going down to a pool leak, you must find where the leak is coming from. Begin looking near the pump and the filter. If you notice any wet or damp areas, you need to trace the water back and try to locate a leak. Often, the leak will be a connection with one of the pipes.

If this is not the case, then it could be a problem with the shell. In case of an aboveground pool, just look for the hole where the water is coming out of and repair it. However, if you have in ground pool, it can be a bit more difficult. You can try to inspect the shell in the pool or check surrounding areas.

If it is the shell, you should leave it to a qualified professional to fix the problem. Shells for in ground pools can be very challenging to repair.

Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website Swimming Pool Covers. To read about mesh swimming pool covers visit his website right now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alex_Fir

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