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Hammered Copper Sinks, What Are They?

Mon 13 Nov 2006 - 17:08

Hammered Copper Sinks, What Are They?
By O. Casas

Mexico is a country full of ancient traditions that make this country a charming place to visit. One of these ancient traditions is that belonging to a group of artisans working in a small village in the mountains of western Mexico.

This town is called Santa Clara del Cobre (Copper) and the name has its reason. Most of the people living here dedicates to the ancient tradition of the fabrication of hammered copper sinks of many sizes and models that just by the look makes the expectator think about sculptures being made for the enjoyment and use of people.

These mexican hammered copper sinks are all made of just one piece of a previously cut copper plate that is hammered and heated patiently in a wood fire until the desired shape is obtained and a brand new piece of copper art is out of the shop. But there is one more process that has to be applied to the copper sinks prior to its exhibition and sale.

This special process is called "patination" and it's applied under heat to the surface of the sink such that it will become protected and will acquire the particular color desired by the artisan. The process is kind of slow but the time that the artisan takes to make this beautiful sink is worth it, at the end a beautiful hammered copper sink will be born and it will maintain its surface color for many years to come without presenting any corrosion or aging on the copper sink's surface.

Hammered Mexican Copper Sinks are a beautiful addition to any home's kitchen or bathroom. You will find the original Mexican sinks and beautiful sink models at Adobes Market, a portal maintained by a group of artisans of Santa Clara del Cobre:

=> http://www.copper-sinks-mexico.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=O._Casas

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