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Asphalt Driveway Repair

Thu 25 Jan 2007 - 08:17

Asphalt Driveway Repair
By Ken Wilssens

Since asphalt is a more specialized material than concrete, doing asphalt driveway repair is a bit more complicated. The materials you need to do this repair are not as familiar as those you would need for repairing concrete. You won't be able to use hot asphalt unless you go through the daunting task of collecting bits and pieces of asphalt, heating them in a furnace and then spreading the asphalt yourself. The result of this is often bumpy and not as smooth as a professional job. Of course, there are asphalt contractors you can get to resurface your driveway.

If you want to do the job yourself, you will have to look at filling in the cracks and holes in your driveway. The size of the cracks does play a part in the proper materials for the job. A crack filler is appropriate for cracks that are less than 1/2 inch wide. For larger cracks, you will need to use a product called asphalt cold-patch. You can buy this by the bag or the can but you should only use it when the temperature is higher than 50º F.

Pull the weeds out of the cracks if there are any growing there and clean the area of all dirt and debris. You may need to apply weed killer to keep the weeds from growing back again. For deep cracks, fill it to within 1/4 inch of the surface with sand. Make sure you tamp down the sand to have an even area. Then you can apply the asphalt repair compound and allow it to cure. After this, you do need to apply a sealant to the driveway.

For lots of information on

cement driveways and other driveways related topics, visit driveways
info at http://www.drivewaysinfo.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ken_Wilssens

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