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Looking After Your Air Conditioner

Thu 25 Jan 2007 - 08:44

Looking After Your Air Conditioner
By Marc Hodge

When it comes to getting the most from your air conditioner there are some things you can do that will extend its life and keep it operating at maximum efficiency. This is all to do with quality maintenance. A lot of this you can do yourself, some will require hiring a contractor.

1- Firstly are filters. The filter in your air conditioner is very important and changes should be made every three to six months, depending on how often you use it.

There is nothing wrong with different the filter too often but not varying it often can be very expensive in the long run.

Low performance - A dirty filter will deplete the efficiency of the air conditioning unit and increase operating costs by as much as 30% or more.

Increased wear and tear on the compressor - This is because it has to run for longer periods of time to do its job. Longer running time means less of a life span for the unit. Compressor changes are costly!.

2- Look at the evaporator coil inside the air handler often to make sure there is no dust build up on the surface of the coil. This form causes the same problems as a dirty filter.

3- During the start of each cooling year it is a good idea to look at the outside section of the air conditioner. Look at the unit and make sure there is nothing on top of the condenser that will alter airflow. Look between the fins of the condenser to see that its not bunged up with pollen or insects. These tend to accumulate over a period of time and usually may not be a problem. Using a hose pipe on the condenser is in the main enough to remove the unwanted debris.

4- Check the belt in the and change when needed. Most air conditioners produced today use direct motors and only need the motor bearings oiled once a year.

5- It is also important to check contactors and electrical components. These will be located inside the condensing unit. The contactor operates the compressor and the contacts get bunged and need to be changed every now and then. Changing manufacturers use various types of contactors. Some last longer than others.

Selecting the right kind of air conditioner for you and your property is very effective. The above points are all vital to help it work for years and get value for money.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_Hodge

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