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A Place For Everything, and Everything in Your Closet

Tue 23 Jan 2007 - 08:30

A Place For Everything, and Everything in Your Closet
By Andrew Caxton

Do you fight a constant battle against clutter? Do you enter the homes of your friends with envy because they are always so darn neat? Do you wonder why your home never looks like that?

Let's face it. Some people are naturally neat. For them, there is no effort in putting things away - they like to do it. For others, there's simply not enough time. They put an item down somewhere intending to put it away later, and they put another item down somewhere intending to put it away later, and eventually you've got clutter and no idea where to put anything and no time to clean up, anyway.

The trick is to acquire some organizational systems that make it easy for you to put things away immediately, rather than be so daunting that you prefer to put it off....and put it off and put it off.

What are the problem areas in your house?

If you've got children, their rooms are perhaps major problems! The cliche is that all children live in chronically messy rooms. I can offer no advice there, except for you to start teaching them to put their own things away when they're young enough to learn, rather than after you've already established the pattern that you'll clean up after them.

Apart from your kids' rooms, though, what are the problem areas in your house?

Sit down and define those areas, and t hen go on the web and start searching for what you can use to help you solve your problems.

As in all things, you want to buy good quality for as little money as possible. That means you want to do some comparison shopping, which is very easy thanks to the internet.

What are these things made of?

Depending on your lifestyle and your price range, you'll be buying items consisting of plastic, metal, or wood. Most things these days are made with excellent quality regardless, but nevertheless make sure you do some comparison shopping so that you buy what's right for you at the price you can afford.

You also have to consider your do-it-yourself skills. Depending on the vendor, you'll take most items home and put them together yourself. This can be easy or difficult, of course, depending on the particular item. If you don't consider yourself a handy-person, it's always possible to pay someone from the store to install it for you, or even a local handyman. If you're going to pay someone to do the installation, however, no matter how inexpensive the item is, make sure you get a price quote, and a guarantee that the item will be put together and installed to your satisfaction.

But as long as you read the directions before you start putting anything together, and ensure that all of the screws, washers, nuts and bolts came with the item, you should be fine.

Sources on the web

Go to your favorite browser and type in such keywords as "Home organization." That will get you help on organizing your whole entire life. There'll be sites that will provide you with lists and sites that will advise you on how to organize. These can be pretty helpful, actually, and I'd advise you to look at these seriously and sign up for any mailing lists on offer. Some are free, some cost money, so check a few out before committing any funds to them.

Other search keywords would be "Shoe closet" or "Closet organization." (Putting your search terms in quotation marks helps narrow down the search.)

Again, you'll get a list back of dozens of websites that offer the types of things you'll need.

The major stores like Home Depot and Office Max are also online, but you're looking for specialty stores.

The Container Store has items to help you organize your closet, your kitchen, your home office, in fact practically everything except your bedroom! If you're a college student they even have a section for you, for your dorm room.

Scope out Home Trends to see the same type of material as The Container Store, but also accessories for the bedroom, from under-the-bed shoe organizers to under-the-bed carts to carpet slippers!

Stack and Stack Housewares gives you other options on your home organizational needs, as well as home furnishings.

There's a lot of good stuff out there. There's something out there that will help you. Go find it.

Andrew Caxton is the owner and journalist of many information websites, who has written more articles and newsletters on furniture and interior design. A website with tips on closet organizers, amongst many related topics.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Caxton

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