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A Closet System Is For More Than A Bedroom

Mon 22 Jan 2007 - 12:05

A Closet System Is For More Than A Bedroom
By Neil Day

Creating a good closet system to make storage neat and organized can be a rewarding undertaking that results not only in a space looking better, but also functioning better. A good system for storage isn't just for clothes closets, however. The truth is a good system can make almost any closet function better.

The kitchen pantry, for example, is one closet in most homes that could most certainly benefit from a system. When well designed, a closet system can make working in the kitchen an absolute delight. They can also take the guesswork out of creating a shopping day inventory. Let's look at how.

When a good closet system is brought into play in a pantry, for example, everything within it will have a standard and organized place to go. Rather than have pots and pans stacked up in no discernable order while spices and canned goods get crammed in, a system can make it easy for anyone to find things when they need them and even enable anyone in the household to understand exactly where things should be placed when they're put up.

A good closet system for a pantry will require a little planning to decide what types of things should be placed in this area. If it's simply a food panty, a system might include such things as drawers for spices and sauce mixes and specialized rotating devices for canned goods and so on. The key in creating a good pantry system is making sure that everything in the pantry can be seen and inventoried quickly. This will, of course, require some careful planning, but when you avoid buying a tenth box of rice on shopping day because you thought you were out, you'll thank yourself.

If a closet system for a combination pantry is required, the design will be a little different. The upper level, for example, can include hangers for pots and utensils while a thin, but long space might be designed for pans and cookie sheets. A spice rack, drawer or even lazy Susan might work well for keeping these items organized and at the ready. The key in this design is the same - you want to be certain you can readily spot items when you need to.

A good closet system can take a pantry that's a real bear to deal with and turn it into a functional and attractive area of the home. By making things easy to spot, a closet system will save you time, aggravation and trouble. Plus, if you have a good closet system, you won't go out buying foodstuffs you already have, but can't find!

For more information on closet systems try visiting http://www.theclosetinfosite.com, a website that specializes in providing advice, tips and resources on closet systems and closet organizers that you can use to help organize a safe and better home.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neil_Day

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