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Hiring A Professional Closet Organizer

Mon 22 Jan 2007 - 12:58

Hiring A Professional Closet Organizer
By Neil Day

It might sound a little frivolous, but the truth is a professional closet organizer can be a family's best friend. Bringing an outsider in to create order out of chaos can help even the messiest of people get on task.

Professional closet organizers are laying their claim in the home improvement arena and many are quite good. There are some basic things to consider in hiring a pro, however. They include:

* Experience. A closet organizer who has never tackled a job before might not bring to the table all the qualifications your family might require. If, for example, you need someone to really think outside the box to create a good system for a pantry while also making a tiny closet work for a ton of items, then you might need someone with experience in working with multiple demands.

* References. It's a very good idea to get references for a closet organizer before he or she is hired. There are some people who do wonderful jobs and have past client lists to prove it. You want someone who will come in and work with you, not devise their own ideas and ignore your instructions about priorities for the job.

* Services offered. Some closet organizers only offer consulting services, while others will come in and assist in every step. For example, a full-service organizers will come in and assist with everything from cleaning out the closet and weeding through unwanted things to actually installing a new system of shelving for better organization.

* Communication skills. Whether the closet organizer is coming in to handle the entire job on his or her own or working with you each step of the way, communication is vital. The person you hire must understand what you want done and what's important to you or the resulting job will not be satisfactory. Getting a closet organized by someone else is like having your hair cut. If the pro doesn't listen and provide good input along the way, the end do will be a don't.

With most families having two-working parents and people always on the run, closet organizers are making a big name for themselves in helping people get organized and stay that way. Hiring a pro will require a little leg work to find the best one to meet your needs, but these folks make the biggest of jobs seem painless. Plus, they bring to the table a new perspective, which is often vital for getting a job done right.

For more information on a closet organizer try visiting http://www.theclosetinfosite.com, a website that specializes in providing advice, tips and resources on closets and closet wardrobes that you can use to help organize a safe and better home.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neil_Day

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