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• Further information on Sponsorship opportunities

Why Advertise with HomeWise.ie
-Why use the Internet?
-I am too busy with my current work load, why should I join?
-How do homeowners find HomeWise.ie?
-Do I pay HomeWise.ie for every job I get through HomeWise.ie?
-Why should I pay for advertising when I currently get most of my work by word-of-mouth? -What qualifications must a contractor have to join HomeWise.ie?
-Is it safe to give HomeWise.ie my payment information online?
-How do I know this will work in my area?

-Why use the Internet?
Nearly 50% of the Irish population (2.09 million people) are regular Internet users. HomeWise.ie ensures that these customers who are actively looking for your product or service are finding relevant suppliers & services in there area. As a featured listing, HomeWise.ie will ensure that your details appear on front of them when they search for your product or service in areas you serve.

-I am too busy with my current work load, why should I join?
With HomeWise.ie, you will see leads targeted to your type of work and preferred locations that are more profitable for your company. HomeWise.ie doesn't just offer you more work, but rather more profitable work. Get connected with the right type of customers for your business.

-How do homeowners find HomeWise.ie?
HomeWise.ie invests heavily in advertising and specialises in ensuring that your potential customers will find you. Let us use our marketing expertise to build your business and reputation

-Do I pay HomeWise.ie for every job I get through HomeWise.ie?
With HomeWise.ie you pay a small annual fee for a featured listing in your preferred category in your preferred location. HomeWise.ie will be your lowest cost of advertising and your most effective. We will supply you with measurable statistics to prove this.

-Why should I pay for advertising when I currently get most of my work by word-of-mouth? Word-of-mouth is great, but many times it is unreliable and you end up doing projects that are not the most profitable or, you have to travel great distances between jobs. With HomeWise.ie you can get a steady flow of customers and take only the jobs that are profitable for your company and close to your home or office.

-What qualifications must a contractor have to join HomeWise.ie?
All suppliers and services must be licensed according to the law and must carry general liability insurance where relevant. We promote top quality services and suppliers. If reviews and ratings reveal that you are consistently offering a bad service we will remove you from our site.

-Is it safe to give HomeWise.ie my payment information online?
HomeWise.ie uses state of the art security to protect our customers information. We use Secure Socket Layers (SSL) and encrypt all of your personal information. The industry leader x backs all of our security measures. You can rest assured we have done many online transactions without any incidents of credit card fraud.

-How do I know this will work in my area?
The directory of services or suppliers is categorised by area, therefore only potential customers who want your products or services in your area will contact you. You choose which geographical is best suited to your business.

Advertise on HomeWise.ie

Further information on Sponsorship opportunities